Thursday 7 April 2011

Magazine Advert Final

Finished Cover Front/ Back/ Spine

Star Image

For my Star Image icon, I chose to do Kurt Cobain. He was a leading icon within he rock genre and will forever be a legend. For me he was a natural choice as I have always been a fan of the work he did.

I would describe Kurt as iconic, revolutionary, intelligent, artistic, he was a typical rock-star and set the trend for other artists around the world and thousands of teenagers in his generation.

Lyp Syncing Exercise

It goes without saying, that if the lyp syncing in the video is off, the professional look we are trying to achieve will be instantly compramised. Unfortunately on the day of this excercise I was in the hospital having blood tests :( But Jamie and Faye the other 2 members of my group took part in a lyp sycning exercise.
The main trick was to edit the video to get the music in perfect time with the lip movements, thankfully my group showed me how to use the program and I now have the skills to do what is done in the video below.
Please enjoy my groups Lyp Syncing exercise!

Rock Genre Mind Map.

The gothic scene is a popular rock sub-genre, so as a group in order to help us all come the same conclusions of what we think about when someone says 'rock' we created a mind map. Using this mind map we all understand the codes of conventions of what we are trying to achieve a lot better.

The subheadings cover almost everything we will need to stick to in order to complete our project.