Wednesday 6 April 2011

Album Cover Base

This is the initial background design for my album cover. I have also included the final font choice for the artist name. I created the background using a series of 'Fractal Brushes' that can be found on deviantart, the font is called Clarisse~ and I found it on under the gotic fonts section.

In order to enhance the look of the brushes, I have given them a red tint and sharpened the dark blue background. The font has been given a nicer look by using the blending option: 'Outer Glow'. It makes it stand out from the background and helps raise the quality.

To finish my cover: I need to add the single name, finish the design, maybe add further images into the void in the background. Add any branding I need, like the label name. Maybe using a border and possibly reconsidering the colour scheme.

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